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Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

Consider the value of an enthusiastic consumer who recommends a product at every opportunity. 


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

Companies like Zappos.com and Bath & Body Works do little or no advertising because word of mouth does it for them. 


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

Customer profitability also goes up when the cost to serve those customers goes down.


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

That may happen because they use self-service tools or participate in a user community offering advice to other customers, or because they've provided information about their needs and preferences that makes communicating with them more relevant, thus more effective.


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

Just as important is making the relationship profitable for customers. Defining what that means is crucial, and requires actually asking customers versus just making assumptions.


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

 profitable relationship to a customer may be one in which they get the best deal or special treatment or exclusives opportunities;


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

it may be easy access to information, about your products or services and about related topics that will help them be better informed or perhaps help them more effectively reach their goals;


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

it might also be access to company executives or other customers through events or an online community.


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

It could be simplifying their interactions with your organizations through SMS reminders or emails that offer one-click purchasing or intuitive self-service options online, at kiosks, or by phone.


Re:Let Customers Be Your Guide to Success

Another area of profitability to consider is balancing short- and long-term goals. Every action a company takes, whether it be sending an email marketing campaign or cutting average handle time or adopting team selling, 

